ICYMI: The Youth in FOCUS competition is ONGOING!
Want to know how your favorite video entry can win the People's Choice Award? Read on!
Make sure to like and follow the official Facebook page of Philobioscientia, The UPLB Life Sciences Society. Only reactions and shares of those who like and follow the page will be counted.
Watch the videos and choose your favorite by reacting with the LIKE/LOVE reaction. You may also share the video of your favorite entry.
The entry with the highest tally of valid reacts and shares shall be awarded the People’s Choice Award and shall receive a Certificate of Recognition and monetary prize of Php 800.
The voting period begins on October 17, 5:00 PM until October 20, 5:00 PM 5. Find out the winners of the contest by attending YOUTH Turn 2022 on October 22, 2022!
View the contest entries below:
This event is brought to you by PhilOHUN and Philobioscientia, The UPLB Life Sciences Society, in partnership with Chevron and with the support of Southeast Asia One Health University Network and USAID - US Agency for International Development.
KAISA is also made possible in partnership with Taste from the Greens - Los Baños, DLSL Pre-Medical Society, UP Agricultural Society, Geographic Society of the University of the Philippines, UP Biology Majors Association, Gabriela Youth UP Manila, and UJP UP Diliman
Also brought to you by UP Architecture Forum, UP Diliman Golden Z Club, CSWCD Student Council, UP Behavioral Science Society, UP One Earth, UP Anthropology Society, UPLB CAS Student Council, UP Green League Inc., Association of Filipino Forestry Students - UPLB, and Online SDG Youth Action Forum
Special thanks to Samahang Busko - UPLB, UP Medical Students for Social Responsibility, Harmonya: The String Ensemble of UPLB, START AIT: Student Action for Responsive Leadership in Tourism, and BU Symbiosis
Mechanics taken from the original caption by Joseph Angelo Silva